Give us your feedback on mental health for young adults

Date added: 06 August 2021

Medway Council and Kent and Medway’s Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) want to improve the experience for all young people making the transition between services (e.g., from child to adult services).

TONIC, a social research organisation, has been commissioned to conduct this work, analyse the findings and provide feedback to Medway Council and the CCG to help develop better services for young adults, and to improve support for the transition from child to adult services. Findings from this project will feed into the forthcoming commissioning plan.

As part of their approach, TONIC are conducting an anonymous online survey to hear the views and experiences of young adults (aged 18-25), their parents and carers, and service and support providers.

The survey is confidential and anonymous​ and is running from Tuesday 13 July 2021 to Monday 30 August 2021. 

Complete the survey at ​