Nominations open for KMPT Awards 2018!

Date added: 09 April 2018

With 15 categories to choose from, we’re sure you’ll find something for a team or person who should be nominated for their outstanding contribution.

One of our new categories includes a special Healthcare Hero Award category in honour of the NHS 70th birthday celebrations. Because it's for one year only, the winner of this award will be recognised as a truly remarkable member of the KMPT team.

The Healthcare Hero Award celebrates anyone who has given their all within their role and across barriers, working with partners to help improve services while all the time ensuring patients are at the heart of everything they do. Anyone who is involved in mental health care can be nominated - patient, carer, trust staff or volunteer. Those nominated have to evidence an outstanding contribution to mental health in Kent and Medway.

We have also added a further category specifically to recognise the important contribution of those with lived experience. The Patient and Carer Contribution Awards recognises trust patients or carers who have contributed to helping improve trust services for others. Raising awareness of mental ill health and challenging stigma by using lived experience is shown to be the best way to share these important messages. The winner of this award will have shown considerable commitment and helped to make changes within their community by sharing their own experiences – all the time breaking down barriers.

To give your entry the greatest chance, take a look at the awards criteria before submitting your nomination. Nominations can be submitted online or in paper format, visit for more. Deadline for nominations is 18 May. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact