Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are some of the FAQs that have been most asked by members of staff across KMPT, colleagues working in health and care, people who use KMPT services, and members of the public. We have attempted to answer the more frequently asked question here or signpost you to the answers/ relevant resources.

The FAQ section is under constant development, if you have a non-urgent question relating to autistic people, people with a learning disability or people with ADHD and cannot locate the answer please email your question to FAQ’s will be collated and added to the below where appropriate.

This resource does not replace any current process for support and advice instead hopes to expedite your access to answers for none urgent FAQs.

The FAQ mailbox is only be monitored once weekly.

How do I refer a person for autism or ADHD assessment?

In April 2022 Kent Community Health NHS foundation trust became the lead provider of Adult Autism and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Services for Kent and Medway residents. In June 2022 KMPT updated its organisation's standard operating procedure, to describe this change. Details about these services can be viewed at Kent Community Health Trust website for all queries or to discuss in more detail the services offered you can contact them either by phone at 0300 013 2080 (Monday to Friday 0900 - 1700) or by email at

Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) and ADHD Referral Pathway Standard Operating Procedure

If you would like a copy of the Standard Operating Procedure please email

ASC & ADHD Referral Pathway SOP Appendices

Appendix 1 - KCC Services

Appendix 2 - Referral forms

Referrals are only accepted from health professionals (e.g. GP, secondary care mental health etc.) or social care professionals there is no self-referral process

How do I make a referral to the Community Learning Disability Team (CLDT)?

Kent and Medway now have a single community learning disability team that is part of Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHNFT). They provide specialist health advice to people with learning disabilities, their carers, families and the wider health and social care community. They offer several routes to referral including online, easy read and even self-referral to find out more or make a referral go to KCHNFT website

How do I make a referral to Kent and Medway Complex Autism Service (KAMCAS)?

Kent and Medway Complex Autism Service (KAMCAS) purpose is to help autistic people live within their communities by preventing admission into secure services or helping facilitate a discharge back to the community. KAMCAS is run by an independent provider called Sinclair-Strong Consultants Ltd.

KAMCAS acceptance criteria (all 3 must be met)

1. Individuals who have a well-established primary diagnosis of Autism (without Intellectual Disability).
2. Individuals for whom local social services and health provision have been inadequate to meet their needs.
3. Individuals unable to retain their place in the community due to significant risk in the medium term (9 months) of:

  • Hospitalisation
  • Conviction or court disposal
  • Suicide or severe harm to self or others

Priority Level Criteria

Level 1
Criteria risk event likely within 0-3 months
Level 2
Criteria risk event likely within 3-6 months
Level 3
Criteria risk event likely within 6-9 months
Level 4
Active review (people who are currently in hospital, prison).

Kent and Medway Complex Autism Service (KAMCAS), operated on behalf of Kent County Council and the NHS, offers a Specialist Out of Hours Autism service to support existing agencies responding to autistic people in crisis.

It's available for professionals, clients, and their support networks: 5pm to 10pm on weekdays and 2.30pm – 10pm at weekends and bank holidays. The contact telephone number is 01732792044.


OUT OF HOURS: 01732792044
Specialist Out of Hours Autism Service is available to provide consultation to professionals working with autistic adults who are at the point of crisis. The service is available in Kent and Medway, Monday to Friday 17.00 -22.00,Saturday-Sunday 14.30-22.00, inc bank holidays

Referrals are only accepted from health professionals (e.g. secondary care mental health etc.) or social care professionals there is no self-referral process