It’s all about education: World Diabetes Day 14th November 2022

Date added: 14 November 2022

Diagnosing diabetes early is so important for all types of diabetes because early detection saves lives, prevents a medical emergency, and reduces the risk of life-changing complications later. That’s why we want to make sure that you know the signs to look out for.

Here are the symptoms of type 1 diabetes – we call these the 4Ts. If you spot any of these signs, see a doctor for a test immediately:

1. Toilet – going for a wee more often, especially at night. 
2. Thirsty – being constantly thirsty and not being able to quench it.
3. Tired – being incredibly tired and having no energy.
4. Thinner – losing weight without trying to, or looking thinner than usual.

The 4Ts are the most common symptoms of type 1 diabetes but there are other signs to look out for too. They could include genital itching or thrush, cuts and wounds that take longer to heal, and blurry eyesight. These can all be signs of type 2 diabetes too. If type 1 diabetes is left undiagnosed, it can make you really ill, really quickly. It can lead to a condition called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) – which you can die from.

Who is at risk?

Type 1 diabetes:
• Those with a family history of diabetes

Type 2 diabetes:
• You’re more at risk if you’re white and over 40, or over 25 if you’re African-Caribbean, Black African, or South Asian.

• You’re two to six times more likely to get type 2 diabetes if you have a parent, brother, sister or child with diabetes.

• Type 2 diabetes is two to four times more likely in people of South Asian descent and African-Caribbean or Black African descent.

• You’re more at risk if you’ve ever had high blood pressure.

• You’re more at risk of type 2 diabetes if you’re carrying extra weight, especially if this weight is around your middle.

For more information on diabetes please visit: Diabetes UK - Know diabetes. Fight diabetes. | Diabetes UK