Monitored and Prohibited Items for Acute Patients

Below are some personal items that may pose a risk to individual safety. We believe promoting safety is a shared responsibility between the service user/family/staff/visitors.

Monitored Items

A monitored item is anything that must be stored in a secure location because it could be harmful if used inappropriately. The patient can use a monitored item by first asking the staff for that item. After the patient is finished using the item, it is important that the item be given back to a staff person so that it can be put back in its safe location again.

Here are the monitored items in the acute wards:

  • Mobile phones (If the phone has photo and recording capabilities, and
    you are spotted taking photo’s of other patient it will be removed and can only be used under supervision)
  • Personal Computers
  • IPod, MP3 with internet access
  • Nail polish
  • Polish remover
  • Nail files
  • Nail clippers
  • Compacts
  • Tweezers
  • Electric Razors
  • Cosmetics.
  • Hair straighteners
  • Dryers
  • Medications
  • Needles (Sewing, Knitting etc.)
  • Scissors (Arts/Crafts or other types)
  • Pencil sharpeners
  • Glue
  • Computer use in designated areas
  • Mouthwash
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Pins
Prohibited Items

A prohibited item is anything that staff performing the search believes
may cause harm to self or others. Anything that encourages violence or
illegal activities is also considered a prohibited item.

Here are the prohibited items in the acute wards:

  • Cameras
  • Razors
  • Glass items (mirrors, bottles etc.)
  • Cigarettes
  • Lighter, matches. Alcohol
  • Illegal/Prescription/over counters drugs. Caffeinated drinks, energy drinks
  • Scented products. Inhalable substances (including liquid white out)
  • CDs, movies, video games, or clothing with offensive language or violent themes
  • Weapons or objects that can be used as a weapons (items deemed unsafe by the clinical team will be removed by staff).
  • Steel-toed footwear.

These lists do not cover everything dangerous. Any item that the team believes may decrease the safety of the area and those within it, will be removed and stored in a secure location, or sent home with family member.

An item maybe dangerous for one patient and not another such as:

  • Belts
  • Drawstrings
  • Bags with shoulder straps
  • Laces
  • Electrical flexes
  • Power Cables

Additional items considered monitored/prohibited for patients will be written in individual care plans.

If you have any question about the items listed above, please speak to the assigned staff person.