Ashford Community Mental Health Team

Ashford Community Mental Health Team (CMHT) provides support and treatment in the community to adults between the ages of 18-65 who are experiencing a mental illness.

The team provides an assessment of an individual’s current needs and provides treatment for service users with moderate to severe mental health needs. This includes a comprehensive assessment of health and social care needs and signposting service users to the most appropriate service or offer interventions.

The team includes psychiatrists, community mental health nurses, occupational therapists, psychological services and support staff and also works in partnership with social care.

Meet the manager

You can come and meet the manager to share your experiences and let them know how we are doing. At Eureka Place, Ashford, the manager will be available on the first Tuesday of each month from 10.30am - 12.30pm

Please contact the CMHT to book an appointment within this time. You may attend the CMHT without an appointment, however please be aware that the manager may not be able to see you without a pre-booked appointment.

Feedback on your experience

Should you have a concern about your care and treatment, we welcome your comments and ask that you speak with the staff providing your care. Alternatively, you can also meet the local CMHT manager (details above) to share your experiences.

You can feedback on your experience of using our Community Mental Health Team service using our Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM). Alternatively you can speak to the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) team.

Visiting our site – useful information

There is a car park outside the building for visitors. This offers free parking for a maximum duration of three hours and is operated by an external provider. There are some local shops located near the site.
