Helpful hints for submitting your nomination

Publication date:
18 August 2021
Date range:
August 2021 - November 2021

Helpful hints

  • Before submitting any nomination please make sure you read the guidance criteria for each category and the entry rules before you start to complete your nomination.
  • Include the name of the person or team you are nominating in full.
  • Include clear contact details (include email addresses, postal address, phone numbers and job titles if applicable).
  • Clearly specify what award you are nominating for.
  • Make sure you clearly set how the reason for nomination. Successful nominations should meet the award criteria and be a minimum of 200 words.
  • Stand out from the crowd - make your nomination interesting and use clear language.
  • Involve the team - you can make the entry a joint team effort, this will often produce a better and more comprehensive summary.
  • Be a judge - consider reading your entry against the award criteria. If you were a judge what would you expect to see from an entry?
  • Supporting evidence - always back up claims or successes with evidence, this could include quotes from those impacted, pictures, statistical evidence or compelling before and after data.
  • Ensure your details as the nominator are completed in full.