Tracey Shorthouse

In 2015, at the age of 45, I was diagnosed with young onset Alzheimer’s Disease including Posterior Cortical Atrophy. To read more click here for a fuller interview

I was working as a community staff nurse, as part of a district nurse team before I was diagnosed with dementia and I retired a few months after my diagnosis. As a retired nurse I’m particularly interested in ensuring that there is person-centred care for all people with dementia.

I was relieved to get a dementia diagnosis but it was also a shock. It was important for me to know what was causing these changes so that I could plan for the future and get on with my life.

Even after this diagnosis, I still enjoy life and keep busy. I still have some 'me' time doing photography, gardening, sea swimming, macramé, and seeing family and friends. I also write a blog on Facebook called I’m still me” 

Exercise has always been an important part of my life so I’m also involved in a project with the Alzheimer’s Society to make all leisure and sports centres inclusive for people with dementia - You can watch a video about the project here

To learn more about me, how dementia has affected me, and how I continue to live an enjoyable independent life, please see this film created by the Financial Times.