KMPT's Research and Innovation team takeover the National Institute for Health Research's Twitter account

Date added: 23 February 2022

On Friday 25 February our very own Clinical research practitioners (CRPs) from the Research and Innovation department are taking over the National Institute for Health Research's (NIHR) community twitter account. 

As we approach a year since the CRP accredited register opened we will hear, in their own words, just how the development of the CRP profession has had an impact on the team, as well as gaining an insight into the vital role CRPs play within the research delivery workforce.

Throughout the morning the team will be giving us a first-hand glimpse into a day-in-the-life of a CRP, as well as showcasing the varied career paths available in the profession. The team will finish with a lunchtime Q&A where they will be on hand to answer your questions on what their role involves and their experience of the accredited register application process.

You can join the conversation Friday 25 February, 9am-1pm by following and using the hashtag #CRPractitioner