Participation and Involvement Strategy 2020-2025

Publication date:
01 March 2020
Date range:
March 2020 - March 2025

Measuring success

It will be essential to evaluate the success of this strategy with the service users and carers who work with us. The Trust Wide Patient & Carer Experience Group will monitor the activity undertaken during the implementation phase and beyond.

We will use qualitative and quantitative methods to monitor and evaluate the impact of the changes we make.

We have set the following objectives to ensure we have impact within the first year. After this time, we will review the objectives and outcomes and adapt them, as required, in line with the Trust’s model of improvement.

Measuring success
Objective Achieved by end of Responsibility
Conduct a base line audit to establish the numbers of service users and carers currently working at the various levels of the Involvement Pyramid May 2020 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality


Engagement and recruitment
Objective Achieved by end of Responsibility
Design and plan a recruitment campaign to increase the number of service users and carers engaged in Trust business June 2020 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Director of Workforce, OD & Communication
Roll out recruitment campaign September 2020 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Director of Workforce, OD & Communication
Continue to recruit new service user and carer reps Ongoing Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Director of Workforce, OD & Communication
Map key community groups across KMPT’s patch May 2020 Executive Director of Strategy ad partnerships
Executive Director of Nursing and Quality
Director of Workforce, OD and Communication
Meet with community groups to build relationships and begin to gather feedback September 2020 Executive Director of Strategy ad partnerships
Executive Director of Nursing and Quality
Director of Workforce, OD and Communication
Develop and/or engage with networking opportunities for professionals to share information and best practice September 2020 Executive Director of Strategy ad partnerships
Executive Director of Nursing and Quality
Director of Workforce, OD and Communication
Develop mechanisms for incorporating feedback gathered into quarterly report September 2020 Executive Director of Strategy ad partnerships
Executive Director of Nursing and Quality
Director of Workforce, OD and Communication


Training and support
Objective Achieved by end of Responsibility
Scope current training on co-production for staff June 2020 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Director of Workforce, OD & Communication
Scope any training, either internally or within partner organisations, that exists to support service users and carers June 2020 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Director of Workforce, OD & Communication
Create staff training on 4Pis and Co-production June 2020 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Director of Workforce, OD & Communication
Develop service user/ carer training modules September 2020 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Director of Workforce, OD & Communication
Pilot Service User/ Carer training modules December 2020 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Director of Workforce, OD & Communication
Evaluate and roll out Service User/ Carer training modules March 2021 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Director of Workforce, OD & Communication


Communications and marketing
Objective Achieved by end of Responsibility
Develop website content September 2020 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Director of Workforce, OD & Communication
Create a wider online presence including use of social media accounts for KMPT engagement September 2020 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Director of Workforce, OD & Communication
Introduce a Service User/ Carer bulletin/ newsletter to inform all representatives, and potential reps, on the work being undertaken and to promote new opportunities September 2020 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Director of Workforce, OD & Communication
Plan and hold an event to celebrate the successes of the year and to evaluate and plan for 2021 March 2021 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality Director of Workforce, OD & Communication


Process and practical issue
Objective Achieved by end of Responsibility
Develop a comprehensive information pack for new service user and carer reps September 2020 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality
Develop a meeting protocol for involving service users and carers in Trust business September 2020 Executive Director of Nursing & Quality
Embed co-production within all research development across the Trust September 2020 Executive Medical Director Head of Research