Learning from Deaths Policy
Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust believes that concentrating attention on the factors that cause deaths will impact positively on all persons who use services, reducing complications, length of stay and readmission rates through improving pathways of care, reducing variability of care delivery, and early recognition and escalation of concerns.
- Publication date:
- 31 January 2021
- Date range:
- January 2021- September 2022
Appendix cC Learning disabilities mortality review (LEDER)
The Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) Programme was a world-first. It was the first national programme of its kind aimed at making improvements to the lives of people with learning disabilities. Reviews are carried out with a view to improving the standard and quality of care for people with learning disabilities. People with learning disabilities, their families and carers have been central to developing and delivering the programme.
The LeDeR programme reviews all deaths of people with learning disabilities. The death will be reported on Datix and reviewed by the SI and Mortality Panel and a LeDeR death notification will be made via the University of Bristol
The responsible person to notify LeDeR will be agreed at the above panel.
hese cases will not require reviewing via the SJR process.