Annual report 2019-2020

Annual Report for the period 2019-2020

Publication date:
30 June 2020
Date range:
June 2020 - June 2021

The Accountability Report

The Directors’ report

Our Board includes Non-executive directors (NEDs) and Executive-directors (EDs), including the Chair and Chief Executive. All of whom are collectively responsible for our success. The Director of Workforce and Communications is a non-voting director.

Executive directors are full-time employees and non-executive directors are appointed by NHS Improvement. Executive directors manage the day-to-day running of KMPT and together with the Chair and other non-executive directors; they set our strategic direction and ensure its achievement of performance standards.

The Board of directors bring a wide range of experience and expertise to their stewardship of the Trust and continue to demonstrate the vision, oversight and encouragement required to enable it to thrive.

During 2019-20 there were some changes to the Board. Andrew Ling left the Trust in June 2019. Julie Nerney was appointed as Chair in July 2019.

Catherine Kinane, Executive Medical Director, left her role in April 2019 and Rosarii Harte was appointed as Interim Executive Medical Director in April 2019 until November 2019. Afifa Qazi was appointed as Executive Medical Director in November 2019.

Board membership 2019-20 – table 6

Non-executive directors

Executive directors

Andrew Ling – left 30 June 2019

Helen Greatorex – Chief Executive

Julie Nerney – started 1 July 2019

Vincent Badu – Executive Director of Partnerships and Strategy

Anne-Marie Dean

Catherine Kinane – Executive Medical Director – left March 2019

Mark Bryant

Rosarii Harte – Interim Executive Medical Director – April 2019 to October 2019

Tom Phillips

Afifa Qazi - Executive Medical Director – started November 2019

Rodney Ashurst

Mary Mumvuri – Executive Director of Nursing and Quality

Jackie Craissati

Sheila Stenson Executive Director of Finance

Venu Branch

Sandra Goatley, Director of Workforce, OD and Communications

Catherine Walker

Jacquie Mowbray-Gould – Chief Operating Officer

The Board

The Board undertakes three key roles:

  1. Responsible for setting the strategic direction

  2. Responsible for formulating strategy, such as the clinical strategy

  3. Holds KMPT to account for the delivery of the strategy through seeking assurance that the systems of control are robust and reliable.

The general duties and responsibilities of the Board are:

  • To work in partnership with patients, carers, local health organisations, local government authorities and others to provide safe, accessible, effective and well-governed services that meet the needs of patients, carers and KMPT’s local population

  • To ensure that KMPT meets the obligations of the population it serves, its stakeholders and staff in a way that is wholly consistent with public sector values, including the Nolan Principles of Public Life.

The board met formally in public nine times during 2019-20. Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings. People who have experienced our services present to the board, enabling members to hear first-hand how services work for users and carers, and areas of improvement.

Table 7 shows the attendance of every member of the Board at meetings held during 2019-20.

Director’s attendance at board meetings 2019-20 – table 7


Non-executive directors 2019-20


Andrew Ling


Julie Nerney


Mark Bryant


Tom Phillips


Anne-Marie Dean


Rodney Ashurst


Jackie Craisatti


Venu Branch


Catherine Walker



Executive directors 2019-20


Helen Greatorex


Vincent Badu


Catherine Kinane


Rosarii Harte


Afifa Qazi


Sheila Stenson


Mary Mumvuri


Sandra Goatley


Jacquie Mowbray-Gould


Declarations of interests

We have an obligation under the Code of Conduct and Accountability for

NHS boards to compile and maintain a register of interests of directors, which might influence their role. The register is

Register of interests – table 8

available to the public, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act. We are required to publish in this Annual Report the directorships of any member of the board in companies that are likely to, or seek to, conduct business with the NHS. Our register of interests is shown below:



Interest declared

Julie Nerney

Chair (from July 2019)

Chair of Greater Brighton Metropolitan College, Chair of the Association of Colleges and a Non-Executive Director at Pharm@ sea Limited. Volunteer mentor for the Princes Trust. Director - SomeoneWho Limited.

Andrew Ling

Chairman (until June 2019)

None declared.

Anne-Marie Dean

Non-executive director

None declared.

Mark Bryant

Non-executive director

Mark’s daughter, Laura, is a midwife (Band 7) at Pembury Hospital. This is part of Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust. MB declared this for full transparency.

Rodney Ashurst

Non-executive director

None declared.

Tom Phillips

Non-executive director

Non-Executive Director, Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospital NHS Trust.

Jackie Craissati

Non-executive director

Jackie’s current company is on the NHS England framework for Independent Serous Incident Investigations, but does not undertake investigations relating to KMPT incidents.

Jackie is Trustee on the Board of Samaritans and Independent Governor on the Board of the University of East London.

Venu Branch

Non-executive director

None declared.

Catherine Walker

Non-executive director

Catherine is Lay Chair of the Consultant Appointments Committee at Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London.

Catherine works for Walkers Solicitors of which her husband, Ivan Walker, is the Principal. Walkers is an Employment law practice specialising in Pensions.

Walkers acts for the majority of UK Trade Unions including a number of Trade Unions active in the Health sector. Walkers’ Health sector Union clients are The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, The Royal College of Midwives and the Prison Officers Association. (Walkers Solicitors do not act for the NHS but clients do negotiate with the NHS – declared to ensure full transparency). Member of an advisory and scrutiny Panel of the National Employment Savings Trust (‘ NEST’) Corporation. NEST is the pension auto enrolment vehicle used by KMPT for workers who are not members of the NHS pension scheme.

Helen Greatorex

Chief Executive Officer

Helen’s husband is Director of Talking Therapies and may compete for business in the Trust’s area. From 1 April 2019 Helen’s husband commenced job with Priory.

Vincent Badu

Executive Director of Partnerships and Strategy

None declared.

Jacquie Mowbray- Gould

Chief Operating Officer

None declared.

Sheila Stenson

Executive Director of Finance

Sheila is the Chair HFMA Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

Catherine Kinane

Executive Medical Director

Catherine is a Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Health and Wellbeing at Canterbury Christ Church University,

Chair of the South East division of RCPsych. SOAD with CQC. Independent expert reports and visits incl. CQC executive reviewer.

Afifa Qazi

Executive Medical Director (from November 2019)

None declared.

Mary Mumvuri

Executive Director of Nursing and Quality

Mary is Vice chair Mental Health Nurse Director Forum.

Sandra Goatley

Director of Workforce and Communications

None declared.

Performance appraisal

All Board members are subject to annual appraisal to review performance against objectives and as members of a unitary board. The Chair is appraised by NHS Improvement in their capacity of oversight of non-executive Board member appointments. KMPT has also appointed a senior independent director from among its non-executive members whose role includes assessing opinion on the Chair’s performance. The Chair appraises non- executive directors and the CEO appraises the executive directors. The Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee review all executive appraisals and agree the CEO appraisal based on the Chair’s assessment.