Issue 7 - Perinatal Mental Health Newsletter

Catch up with the latest developments from the Perinatal Mental Health Community Service

Publication date:
03 January 2022
Date range:
Issue 7


KMPT Innovation Fund: My Mum’s

Amy Lloyd Peer Support Worker PMHCS began writing ‘My Mum’s Poorly Brain’ to fill a gap where there was little material available to support mums who may be struggling with having open conversations about how they are feeling with their children.

The idea first came about when Amy thought about the nature of perinatal mental illness and how it can fluctuate at different times for different people. Amy reflected on what would happen if she ever became unwell again, and how she would be able to explain this to her daughter in a way she could understand.

From this, Amy came up with the idea for a book for families to help their little ones understand more about mental health. The book focuses on how mum’s brain might be feeling, what help she might need, the health care professional’s that may help mum to feel better and focuses on how no matter how poorly mum’s brain might be, she still loves her children.

This was the perfect project to apply for the KMPT Innovation Fund where you can bid for up to £5000 to help bring a project to life. Support by Helen Crook Project Lead – NHS Long Term Plan Amy was successful in applying and gave a presentation to sell the idea and explain how the innovation fund money would be spent on turning ‘My Mum’s Poorly Brain’ into a book.

After presenting to a panel of judges it was confirmed they were successful and now with the support of sponsors Georgia Grassom, Communications manager and Kim Gravett, Peer Support Worker soon the book should be ready for publishing and share  with mums under our service.

GP training event

The Training Hubs for East, West and North Kent are working together with the Perinatal Mental Health Community Service (PMHCS) and Dr Caroline Sweeney, GP with a special interest in Perinatal Mental Health and former Royal College of General Practitioners Perinatal Mental Health Champion to deliver a 2-hour event to discuss how we can manage people with mental health problems throughout pregnancy and postnatally in Primary Care.

It is entitled: ‘Perinatal mental health: What GPs and Primary Care colleagues need to know’ and will be held on the 27th January 2022 between 7-9pm. There will be plenty of time for questions in addition to a discussion on management of patients and an update on the changes to local services. Register for the GP training event

Peer Support Group: Looking to the future

 This group provides a safe place to talk about mental health with people who have been there, are there and would not judge. Topics covered this time were: Coping Strategies when Unwell, Nursery Nurse’s Questions & Answers, Keeping Well & Recognising Relapse.

The topic of choice was how to talk about my mental health and looking ahead.

Nursery nurses attend the group so that questions could be asked regarding baby care and this was more of a stay and play session.

Each week there is a play area set out for the babies as well.


PMHCS, Thrive & the MBU would very much appreciate your feedback regarding your contact with us.

You can do this by scanning this QR code or feedback via this link

Or if you would prefer to discuss your experiences please contact the service on 01622 722321 or speak with your care co-ordinator

QR code to provide feedback on perinatal services

If you are unable to use the QR code you can visit the following link to access our feedback survey

Or if you would prefer to discuss your experiences please contact the service on 01622 722321 or speak with your care coordinator