Equality, diversity and inclusion strategy 2019 - 2024

This strategy reiterates our promise to tackle inequalities and promote equality, diversity and inclusion and human rights with the highest possible standards of care and outcomes for everyone creating a better working environment for staff.

Publication date:
01 November 2019
Date range:
November 2019 - November 2024

Accountability and governance

The EDI agenda is incorporated across all KMPT directorates and all care groups.

Executive Management Team

Board Members are directly accountable for KMPT’s compliance of legislation and mandated national standards. Trust Board, via different committees, receives an EDI reports on progress including updates on achievements.

Workforce and Organisational Development Committee (WODC)

The Workforce and Organisational Development Committee (WODC) is a subcommittee of the board which oversees Workforce and has an overview of E&D, work plans and receives updates from Equality and Diversity Steering Group.

Operational Structure

There are equality leads responsible for supporting this strategy and driving the EDI agenda across KMPT. Each of the network forums has an executive lead as well as a network elected Chair responsible for the forums.

Equality and Diversity Steering Group (EDSG)

The EDSG is chaired by the Chief Executive and is attended by network Chairs, Director of Workforce, Communications, as well as key managers from across KMPT.

The EDSG ensures KMPT is aware of its EDI responsibilities and ensures that EDI remains visible across the Trust’s practices. The role of the Group is central to the aims and objectives of this Strategy being implemented and actioned.

The EDSG safeguards the governance of Inclusion within KMPT. The group upholds the strategic direction for KMPT in response to the Equality Act 2010, the Public Sector Equality Duty, National initiatives and standards by demonstrating and evidencing compliance via ongoing monitoring, outcomes and improvements. The delivery of this Strategy will be overseen by the EDSG and will be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains fit for purpose and takes
account of any new changes such as legislation, standards (new or revised), government consultation/feedback, health equality outcomes and data information.