Equality, diversity and inclusion strategy 2019 - 2024

This strategy reiterates our promise to tackle inequalities and promote equality, diversity and inclusion and human rights with the highest possible standards of care and outcomes for everyone creating a better working environment for staff.

Publication date:
01 November 2019
Date range:
November 2019 - November 2024

Our aim

KMPT is committed to developing a culture which values both its staff and service users/patients and to have processes and systems in place which proactively promotes inclusion and equality for all and embraces diversity. We believe in empowering individuals to take ownership of their responsibilities for creating a fair, open and transparent culture free from bullying, harassment and discrimination.

Our aim is to integrate equality, diversity and inclusion into everything we do, so it becomes embedded as a natural part of everyday practice. We aim to be a leading mental health service provider for its work with staff, service users/patients and partners.

In order to achieve our aim we will:

  • Challenge unfair treatment and/or discrimination
  • Aim to have zero tolerance against abuse at KMPT to ensure that all our staff have a right to care for others without fear of being abused
  • Aim to have a workforce that reflects the diverse community we serve
  • Promote the diversity of talent within KMPT so that the staff fulfil their potential and access opportunities
  • Engage with and respond to our different stakeholders interests and needs
  • Involve those who use our services in the design and delivery of their care
  • Take every opportunity to advance equality, diversity and inclusion in the design, delivery and review of all our functions, policies and practices.