Equality, diversity and inclusion strategy 2019 - 2024

This strategy reiterates our promise to tackle inequalities and promote equality, diversity and inclusion and human rights with the highest possible standards of care and outcomes for everyone creating a better working environment for staff.

Publication date:
01 November 2019
Date range:
November 2019 - November 2024

Good practice

KMPT’s Equality and Diversity Policy is a framework that sets out our responsibilities to meet the legal requirements to achieve an Inclusive organisation for our workforce and those we serve. The Policy is reviewed every 3 years or earlier to reflect any changes to the NHS, changes to legislation or national/local standards.

All new staff attend KMPT’s corporate induction on their first day of work. KMPT’s commitment to EDI is shared and an explanation of how staff play a role in promoting diversity. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion e-learning training is essential training for all roles and needs to be completed within a 4 week period of starting at KMPT. This then needs to be updated every 3 years. EDI is included in development programmes and KMPT Policies, ensuring for example, venues are accessible, materials provided according to the needs of the individual.

We ensure that policies and other KMPT documents demonstrate that an equality impact analysis has been undertaken.

Manager’s induction is once a month for all new managers within KMPT. EDI is given the platform to explain the manager’s EDI responsibility, staff network forums and managing equality within their respective teams/departments, which also includes responding and addressing discrimination, harassment and bullying.