Equality, diversity and inclusion strategy 2019 - 2024

This strategy reiterates our promise to tackle inequalities and promote equality, diversity and inclusion and human rights with the highest possible standards of care and outcomes for everyone creating a better working environment for staff.

Publication date:
01 November 2019
Date range:
November 2019 - November 2024

Refreshed Equality Delivery System 2 (EDS2)

The refreshed EDS2 system arose out of NHS England’s commitment to an inclusive NHS that is fair and accessible to all and is a national equality toolkit designed for the NHS. The framework provides an overarching approach to enable the monitoring of equality and fairness across service delivery, workforce and leadership issues.

Since April 2015, NHS providers have been expected to use EDS2 to help them improve their equality performance for patients, communities and staff based on four goals, as well as helping them to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty.

The EDS2 four goals which are:

  • Better health outcomes
  • Improved patient access and experience
  • A representative and supportive workforce
  • Inclusive leadership

EDS2 is aligned with the Equality Act 2010 and covers the same protected characteristics as well as the Human Rights Act 1998. The EDS2 will be refreshed as the EDS3 in Winter 2019 and the strategy will be updated to reflect any changes that there are.