Birth trauma and/or birth loss - which services can offer psychological help?

If someone is experiencing mental health difficulties as a result of birth trauma and / or birth loss, but has not received any help to date, there are a wide range of services that can provide therapies, support and advice to people and their families.

Publication date:
01 March 2021
Date range:
March 2021 - March 2022

Give us your feedback

There are many ways you can let us have your feedback. Each of our wards and services have PREM cards at their reception for you to complete.

This card asks you specific questions about your care and we review each comment to enable us to continually review and improve our services.

You can also do this online on our PREM page

Compliments and concerns

Our staff are also at hand to listen to your comments. If you feel unable to speak with the team providing your care and would rather speak to the PALS and complaints team, please contact us and we will support you through the process.

All complaints will be carefully listened to and thoroughly investigated.

If you have something positive to say about our service, we would love to hear from you.

Please speak to staff or log your compliment on our Compliments and Complaints page