Learning from Experience Policy
This policy outlines how the Trust ensures that there is a systematic approach to learning from all types of events and that this is disseminated through a number of different mechanisms.
- Publication date:
- 01 May 2019
- Date range:
- May 2019 - May 2022
Appendix C - Terms of reference
Name of committee
Learning from experience group
27 September 2018
Next review date
September 2019
Terms of reference
1. Constitution
The learning from experience group meets on a quarterly basis to review and share both learning and good practice from across the trust, agreeing what action is to be taken forward.
2. Purpose
To provide a trust wide forum where all types of learning and good practice can be captured and shared across care groups/trust wide. A key function of the group is to identify thematic learning from across care groups for onward sharing trust wide.
3. Membership
- Deputy Director of Quality and Safety - Chair
Representatives from corporate services to include:
- SI and Complaints Lead – Deputy Chair
- Compliance and Assurance Manager – Minute taker/trust wide learning bulletins and events
- Clinical Audit and Effectiveness
- Legal Services – Claims, Inquests and Mental Health Act
- Health and Safety and Risk
- Complaints and PALS
- Patient Experience Team
- Patient Safety
- Pharmacy
- Safeguarding
- Physical health/medical devices
- Records/RiO
Representative from operational services to include:
- Care group representative - quality lead/patient safety manager/head of nursing
- Medical representative
4. Frequency of attendance
Group members will be required to attend all meetings, a total of 4 meetings per year. If unable to attend a representative is to be sent who is fully briefed.
5. Attendance by other directors and staff
Additional members may be requested to attend.
6. Quorum
The chair plus adequate care group and corporate representation may meet to transact business and those proceedings should be recorded as a meeting of the group.
7. Frequency of meetings
The group meets quarterly.
8. Authority
9. Duties
- Best practice/improvements are identified from incidents, complaints, audits etc and highlighted/disseminated across the trust.
- All types of learning are both captured and shared across the trust in the form of bulletins and shared at themed learning events.
- There is a strong emphasis in identifying themes from the care groups which can then be shared trust wide.
- Learning from national reports/reviews or any other relevant sources are reviewed to ensure that all applicable learning is captured.
- Examples of good practice are also shared at the group, via bulletins and via the learning events.
10. Reports from Trust Wide Groups
This group reports into the Trust Wide Patient Safety and Mortality Review Group on a 6 monthly basis.
11. Annual work plan
- Learning bulletins/learning notes are produced and available on I-connect
- Learning/good practice is shared via learning events
12. Annual report
Not applicable.
13. Committee rules
Those members responsible for the production of papers ensure these are shared in a timely way ahead of each meeting.
14. Administration arrangement
The agenda and papers for discussion will be distributed in advance of the meeting. Minutes will be recorded and distributed to group members.
15. Accountability and reporting arrangements
This group is a sub-group of the Trust wide Patient Safety and Mortality Review Group.
16. Review and monitoring
The terms of reference for this group will be reviewed on an annual basis.
Governance structure
- Reports to trust wide patient safety and mortality group
Shared between
- Learning from experience group
Shared between
- Corporate services
- Care groups
- Other trust wide sub groups