Workforce Disability Equality Standard 2019-2022
The WDES focuses on the experiences of KMPT disability staff in the workplace compared to non-disabled staff. There are specific measures within each of the indicators that measure the data, experiences and opportunities for disabled staff.
- Publication date:
- 01 October 2020
- Date range:
- October 2020 - October 2021
Metric 10 - Board Representation
Percentage difference between the organisation’s Board voting membership and its organisation’s overall workforce, disaggregated.
- By voting membership of the Board.
- By Executive membership of the Board.
Voting Board Members including executive membership:
- Voting membership - 13
- Non-Executive (8):
- Disabled – 0%
- Non-disabled – 100%
- Executive membership (5):
- Disabled – 0%
- Non-Disabled – 60
- Unspecified – 40%
- Non-Executive (8):
Time frame
Unspecified still remains at 40%.
Work with Trust Secretary to gain this information.