12 May 2022
International Nurses’ Day 2022
Today is International Nurses’ Day so we’re celebrating our brilliant nurses and the brilliant care they deliver. Thank you to all our nurses for everything you do.
10 May 2022
Join our Carers Conference in partnership with Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
KMPT are partnering with Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT) to deliver hold our first joint Carers Conference on Thursday 9 June 2022 to celebrate Carers Week (7 - 12 June 2022).
29 April 2022
A big KMPT welcome to our new charity lead
We are delighted to welcome Mirelle Frost, KMPT’s new charity lead to the trust. Mirelle joined in March 2022 and has worked in the voluntary sector for over 30 years.
Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust goes digital with the launch of electronic prescribing
We have gone live with a roll out to replace paper-based prescriptions with electronic prescribing. The electronic prescribing and medicines administration system (EPMA), which has been created by Civica Prescribing, will improve patient safety and efficiency in the medicine management process.
27 April 2022
Have your say on the Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board draft strategic plan
Residents are being asked for their views on the new Kent and Medway Safeguarding Adults Board (KMSAB) Strategic Plan 2022-2025 which has gone out to public consultation.
31 March 2022
Our Qi project wins Best Presentation on Wellbeing at the Cambridge Health Leaders Awards
Over the last 18 months, a team of staff at KMPT have been undergoing a Qi project looking at minimising violence and restrictive practices within acute inpatient units. The project has just won an award at the Cambridge Health Leaders Awards.
Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust recognised at the Healthwatch Awards
KMPT was celebrated at a prestigious award ceremony last night for their work across Kent and Medway.
30 March 2022
Celebrating our 2021 Staff Survey feedback
Every year our staff are invited to participate in the national NHS Staff Survey. The survey is completely anonymous and provides an opportunity for our staff to share with us what it feels like to work for the trust.
25 March 2022
KMPT offers recruitment sessions for P&O Ferries staff
Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust will offer two dedicated virtual recruitment sessions for P&O staff to talk about our available roles and support people to apply quickly and easily.
24 March 2022
Trust Board meeting
Our next public board meeting takes place on Thursday 31 March 2022 at 9.30am.
21 March 2022
Peer supported Open Dialogue research project
Staff from KMPT were the first to conduct a research study to evaluate the implementation of a new Peer supported Open Dialogue (POD) approach in a large NHS mental health trust.
02 March 2022
The NHS Forest continues to grow with the help of KMPT!
We’ve teamed up with NHS Forest to help improve the health and wellbeing of patients, staff and local communities throughout the county.
24 February 2022
Kent and Medway NHS Partnership and Social Care Trust retains its good overall rating by the Care Quality Commission
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has again rated Kent and Medway NHS Partnership and Social Care Trust (KMPT) as Good overall in its recent inspection. KMPT also remained Outstanding for caring, and its rating for effective improved from Good to Outstanding.
23 February 2022
KMPT's Research and Innovation team takeover the National Institute for Health Research's Twitter account
Find out how you can take part in the 'Twitter takeover' on Friday 25 February 2022.
21 February 2022
Celebrating Mental Health Nurses Day
As we celebrate Mental Health Nurses Day (21 February 2022), we spoke with Teresa, who trained back in 1997 as a mental health nurse on the Project 2000 diploma programme.
Andy shares why he loves being a mental health nurse as we celebrate Mental Health Nurses' Day
09 February 2022
Aaron hopes to ‘Build the Future’ with technology
Tech-savvy Aaron is the first Software development apprentice to have navigated his way into our IT team and work alongside an innovative team of software and web developers.
08 February 2022
International nurses pass their OSCEs